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Fun-Cooking at Home

Cloer 6679UK Fondue 芝士 / 朱古力火鍋爐

What is better than having a mini fondue dinner with friends and family?

Gather around a warm pot of melted cheese to dip bread, vegetables, fruit, meats and more.

Recipes options for Chocolate Sweet, Crunchy Deep Fried and Melted Cheese!!

NEW arrivals

Waffle with Heart

Simple and timeless design characterize the Cloer waffle machines

Brussels Waffle

Brussels waffles from the Cloer waffle machine 1445

120 years of Cloer - since 1898

Blog posts

【雙11折扣優惠 Double 11 Sales】

【雙11折扣優惠 Double 11 Sales】

All products 11% OFF! 全店所有產品11% OFF! Shop at Shopify for instant time limited discount! 係Shopify購買即享限時折扣!
EASTER SALE: 10% OFF! 復活節優惠:全店9折!

EASTER SALE: 10% OFF! 復活節優惠:全店9折!

為咗慶祝復活節同埋亞洲天團Loong 9正式出道,由即日起至4月1日(星期一)晚上11時59分,凡於Cloer HK官網購物折實滿港幣$400,即可享有九折優惠,香港地區仲有免費送貨服務添! 強烈推薦大家買我哋...
CHRISTMAS SALE: 12% OFF! 聖誕節優惠:全店88折!

CHRISTMAS SALE: 12% OFF! 聖誕節優惠:全店88折!

踏入十二月,普世歡騰嘅聖誕節又到啦,凍凍地最啱同親朋好友一齊圍爐或者BBQ,Cloer熱賣產品芝士/朱古力火鍋爐同埋電煎烤盤就幫到你開P啦! 由即日起至2023年12月26日(星期二)晚上11時59分,凡於Cloer HK官網購物折實滿港幣$350,即可享有88折優惠,香港地區仲免費送貨添! ...

Our Showroom

Cloer Asia Pacific Limited

Room 902, 9/F, Kai Tak Commercial Building, No. 317-319 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm
(Please contact us before visit )

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